So, while we were in Martha's Vineyard we saw a poster for a concert
that day, and we couldn't believe our good timing...
If you have read my monthly Gage updates then you know who his favorite singer/cd is: SteveSongs! I had never heard of him until I started looking for kids' music on I took a chance and ordered his
"Marvelous Day" cd, which turned out to be the best kids cd ever! The music is
so catchy and the messages in his songs are
so good. I highly highly highly recommend him!
Anyway you guessed it -
SteveSongs was going to be performing at 4:00pm the day we were there. What amazing timing. We had to get to that concert!
Do you remember that I had mentioned that our 2 1/2 hour tour turned into 4 hours?? Well that caused a little problem in getting to the stage by 4:00. We were dropped off in another town at 4:00 and didn't know how to get back to Oak Bluffs, where SteveSongs was performing. I was so bummed that we were so close, and we were going to miss the concert. Long story short, we hailed a taxi and made it to the concert about 30 minutes late. But the important thing was we got to hear some familiar songs...

...and meet Steve in person!

Oh yes, I was bound and determined to meet Steve! And oh yes, I was the annoying lady that everybody behind me wondered when would move on so they could have their turn! But I had to tell Steve how much my 7 month old loves his music, and how much I love his words, and that we were from Iowa and just there for the day so we couldn't believe we actually got to see him and...on and on! (Little did he know what a crazy adult groupie he has! Oh my goodness, I am laughing as I realize how crazy
I am and must have seemed!)

When Steve heard that "Marvelous Day" is the song that Gage always lights up to, and we were late so we must have missed it, he started singing it to him right then and there. And Gage reached out and touched his face and held his hand. Oh, what a sweet moment it was! I love SteveSongs even more now.

So that was our very special surprise in Martha's Vineyard on Thursday. It seems silly to wonder, since it had no seeming effect on furthering God's kingdom, but could God have arranged a special little treat for us? Maybe meeting Gage encouraged Steve somehow? I sure hope so! And I'm so thankful for the great opportunity to meet my 7 month old's favorite singer.
That is so awesome!! Oddly enough, I kind of wondered if it might be Steve and then thought not. Such a cool story!! I bet Steve was thrilled to meet you. I love Gage's precious reaction.
You know, I really don't think I know SteveSongs! Now I need to go look them up!
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