Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Zoo

Life is good! I'm sure I sounded a little depressed a few posts ago, but I am doing great! I know that a little loneliness is to be expected when you move away from all of your friends and familiarity!

Overall, we are enjoying our new home! Gage is beginning to call it "home" now too. :) So far we have had several great adventures! One includes visiting the Lincoln Park Zoo with our friends, the Gibson's, while they were here. It was the boys' first zoo experience, and they were so excited!

(Eli was a little more concerned about getting his sippy cup back at the moment.)

Right off the bat we got to see a lion having some lunch! (Of course Craig and I had more fun watching the boys than the actual animals...)

Gage did not like being this close to an alligator. Get me outta here!

After we saw lots of fun animals the boys found their FAVORITE part of the zoo:

Note to self: Next time take an extra pair of clothes each!

1 comment:

Holly said...

How fun!! I love watching the polar bears at Lincoln Park. They are so cool!! Glad you had a fun time. :)