Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Happy Mother's Day

My first Mother's Day! It was so special for me to be honored today...not only because it is an extra day of pampering :), but because of what it means. I am a mother. I am a mother! The title I think I was born to have. I started babysitting at age 10 and became the neighborhood babysitter by age 13. I always took my babysitting jobs very seriously and dearly loved most of the kids in my care... I talked a lot about being a mom and couldn't wait to have that title.

My sweet hubby made my day extra special. He brought my sweet babe to me in the early morning hours and Gage and I snuggled until 8 am (That's sleeping in big time these days!). While I was getting ready Craig dressed Gage in the cutest little outfit ever. I was so impressed, he put it together all on his own!

Then we went to Olde Main for brunch. Craig doesn't even know this, but while he was in the buffet line I sat in that booth with tears in my eyes as I reflected on how blessed I am. When we were finished the waiter thanked us and turned to me and said, "Happy Mother's Day!" I can't explain how that made me feel. I was acknowledged as a mother! What a glorious thing! The rest of the day was sweet time spent together, just me and my boys.

1 comment:

Partyhouse 4 God said...

What a great memory to save in your heart. We are proud to have you in the "mother" club- you make a great mom! The best part is that you will always be in this club for the rest of your life!!! Happy mom's day