Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gage's First Flight

A couple of months ago Craig came home and out of the blue asked, "How would you like to go visit Johanna for a week?" I was shocked and thrilled! Johanna is my dear friend from college who lives in Puyallup, WA. I usually only see her once a year when she comes back to visit family in Pella. It has been years since I have actually spent more than an afternoon with her! Craig said he had some business meeting opportunities in Seattle so we could make it a business trip/vacation.

I was a little nervous about flying with a 4 1/2 month old, since I had never done it before. How would we get his car seat and stroller there, along with everything else we needed for him? Would he do okay in our arms during the 2+ hour flights? What will happen to our "daily routine" and how will that affect him? Well it turned out that I worried for nothing. We gate-checked his carrier/stroller, Johanna borrowed a bunch of baby things from a friend so we could pack light, he slept a lot on the flights and was generally
a happy camper, and we were able to stick to a somewhat consistent schedule!

Waiting to board the plane in Des Moines.
Our first flight from Des Moines to Denver was great! Right away Gage caught the eye of the flight attendant in our section. She immediately gave us wings for him and arranged for him to check out the cockpit once we much as a baby can! Daddy was the most excited about it! Gage ended up falling asleep so didn't get to see much of it. Craig and I thought it was pretty cool! The pilot was a very nice middle-aged woman who gushed over Gage and his cute airplane outfit. She even took a picture of him with her phone! Our trip was off to a great start...

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