It seems like overnight Gage has grown, both physically and mentally! Last Friday while Gage was in his stroller I noticed, for the first time, him squirming in his car seat carrier because he wanted out. He was arching his back and scootching downward. I have never seen him do that before - it was such a sight! Then on Saturday morning he was working on sitting forward in his bouncy seat! It looked like he wanted to see his feet!

And yesterday I realized that he is now getting bored just lying on the floor, or sitting in the bouncy seat. Now when I add the toy attachments he can actually hit at them!

(Still checking out those feet too!)

Look at my big boy in the Bumbo seat! He likes to sit in it for short periods until his neck gets too tired! He is so cute to watch as he is happily working hard!
So I feel a little torn about was nice to have him be so content just lying around! Now he doesn't necessarily want to be in the bouncy seat or lying on the ottoman. (I have been telling Craig his stubbornness is coming out!) But progress is always good, and I am so glad he is growing healthy and strong, always my prayer!
Does anyone have a suggestion for something that has kept your child or grandchild happily busy during those months before sitting up on their own? Please leave a comment and tell me about it!
Probably not the tip you want to hear, but the one thing that kept Natalie entertained was our dog! Not much else kept her happy, but I'd play fetch with the dog and she loved watching her run back with the ball. She actually still loves playing fetch with the dog.
Laughing at the above comment... our Natalie loved watching our dog, too! :) Both of the girls LOVED the Baby Einstien floor gym and the Baby Eienstien Exersaucer (starting around 4 months), too.
And by the way, I can not spell "Einstien" Ha ha! :)
So do I need to get a dog?? :) Thanks so much for your input girls! I appreciate it. And that is funny that I have two friends with a "Natalie" and a dog!
Let him lay on the floor both tummy and back and scatter a few toys for him to look at. He will not get bored, especially if you are interacting with him anyway. And this may be hard to hear, but you don't need to entertain him all the time. I also don't feel like babies should be entertained all the time. They will learn and explore on their own and that is what it is about. Plus, it helps him to understand that this is not a child centered home. He can learn to be content on his own. This is all said with love, which you might not be able to hear in typing.
Yes, I guess "entertain" is the wrong word. I meant "content" since he is getting more restless now and needs more stimulation. I know I will miss his little babyhood, but I look forward to when he can sit up!
Preston just started with toys 2 weeks ago, but is stll content with his bouncy seat because his siblings keep him busy. So, Gage needs siblings =). I forgot how it is to just have 1. 4 keep things hopping. If siblings can't be gotten soon, you can try chickens running around on the deck- Preston likes those too.
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