I loved dressing up and trick-or-treating as a child. I have fond memories of costumes, pumpkin carving and candy! Now that we are parents, we are faced with the decisions to celebrate... Halloween? Santa? The Easter Bunny?
At this time we are focusing on the friendly side of Halloween. Friendly costumes, decorations, pumpkin carving (although Craig's pumpkins are a little spooky as you will see! :) Although I don't like the evil side of the "holiday", I don't want to deny our kids the fond childhood memories that it can bring. This year more than ever we've been faced with the question of to celebrate or not-to-celebrate...
We're going to celebrate!!
The night before Halloween we carved pumpkins. Gage wanted to be a part of
everything! From scooping to cutting...

No, we did not let him have a knife! But we did give him a marker...
Eli was more into playing with his tractor...

Then he came around.

The boys loved the finished pumpkins, especially with candles glowing in them!

The small one scared Gage a little.
Trick-or-treating around here was very different than what we're used to. It went from 2 - dusk.? I was so confused as to who will be home at 2 in the afternoon to hand out candy, and aren't kids in school?? Anyway, we found out that people take time off work to be home and kids get out of school early! I guess Halloween's a big deal around here! So we joined the neighborhood crowd and went out at around 3:30.
Look at my "Lil Punkins" from last year!

And this year, Gage is wearing a hood again and Eli still has very little hair - ha!

Oh, my boys are growing up! In my opinion, they were the cutest little Buzz and Woody ever!

We took some time out to dance in the leaves.

The boys looked so cute. I had a lump in my throat the whole time because I felt so weird going around without Craig. He was missing it. At least he got home in time to see them in their costumes. Next year he's just going to have to take off work early too!