I have been realizing more and more lately that I love cooking for my family! It brings me such joy to make them happy with the food I prepare. I am constantly looking for new recipes to try. That is actually one of my favorite things to do! The other night I was telling Craig about how much I love to do that, and he kind of snorted-laughed and said, "That sounds so boring!" Well lucky for us he isn't the one doing the cooking!
I wanted to share a great new system that I have come up with. I have recipes galore, and they are on cards, papers, magazine pages, in cookbooks, everywhere! I wanted to come up with something that organized all of our favorite recipes in one place. This is my answer:
I LOVE my little binder! I found it online through Amazon. It has tabs that I have labeled "Breakfast" "Lunch" "Dinner" "Sides" "Breads" "Desserts" etc. When I find a good recipe to try in a magazine I tear it out and put it in another binder that is my "To Try" binder. When I find a recipe online I copy and paste it to a Word document and save it on my computer. Then after we have tried it we determine if it makes the cut or not into the Recipe Saver.
Every Saturday morning is my time to prepare the next week's menu and grocery list, then go do my shopping. I write out the menu on a white board that we have sitting on the kitchen counter. Craig refers to it often throughout the week when he is curious about what's for dinner. I love this routine! It works great for us. I would love to hear what you do! So come on all you "shy commenters" out there...Let me hear from you!
Printable Pocket Chart Rhyming Game
3 days ago