You may remember how last summer the
airline bag handlers broke our stroller... Well our reimbursement included two travel vouchers to be used by August 2010. Last August I figured they would go to waste because I could never leave my babies for that long. Well, I changed my mind a few months ago when we were struggling, and exhausted, going through Eli's colicky days! So we booked our flight to the Bahamas...
Needing the R&R so badly didn't quite make it any easier when it came time to leave - I cried off and on the whole first day of our trip, and had a big hole in my heart for the rest of it - but I managed to still have a good time... :)

We took our laptop so we could Skype home. It did my heart good to see my boys! I knew they were in good hands with their grandmas and auntie, (Grandma E. came for the first half of the week and GrandMary and Aunt Holly the second half) but being away from them will always be hard for me!
Craig and I ate and drank, and ate some more! Napped on the beach, read our books by the pool, slept in until 8:00 every morning...oh it was the life!

We even joined in on some fun resort activities!
Water aerobics with the resort's personal trainer "Kiwi"!

Poolside games...Our team smoked everyone else!

Craig got a sailing lesson!

Line dancing at the "Goombay Festival"!

We arrived on a Tuesday afternoon and all too soon Saturday came around and it was time to go. I was going to miss our laid back lifestyle that we'd gotten accustomed to, and Craig was going to miss the all-you-can-eat food and drinks! But I couldn't wait to get home to my little punkins! Getting home at 2:00 am because of all the weather delays, made it torture for me to wait until morning to see them!
First of many trips to the Bar!

(Ha! We're really not big drinkers but gotta love all those swim-up bars and all-inclusive perks!)
So now life is back to normal, the way I love it: my boys in my arms, tickles, giggles, middle-of-the-night feedings, and lots of hugs and kisses (I
could do without the middle-of-the-night feedings...) but I have to admit, I am a little "Bahamas-sick"!

So Craig and I are dreaming up our next trip... :)