Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Blessings

He is Risen! That is the best part about Easter. And that's what we will be teaching our kids all through the years. But Easter baskets and egg hunts are a fun treat that will be an added bonus. We were sad to miss church this year since we didn't want to put the boys in the nursery yet. But we had fun dressing Eli up at home and watching Gage hunt for eggs!

Gage found a book, plastic utensils, plastic eggs filled with jelly beans (only for shakers, not to eat!) yogurt melts and fruit strips, and a toy cell phone in his basket. Eli's had a book and some teething and jingle toys. A little difficult to find age-appropriate items at this time! But the Easter Bunny did pretty well I'd say! :)

Gage's outfit from last even fit our big boy Eli:

Gage ('09) Eli ('10)

Gage had fun outside finding eggs, but mostly discovering trees, rocks, and dirt:


Rocks and dirt:

We had a fun day enjoying our Easter blessings...

1 comment:

Holly said...