I just have to share about our great weekend! Craig told me early last week that he was going to need to spend the weekend working on school stuff so I wasn't really looking forward to it. But at the last minute I decided that Gage and I would go to Cedar Falls for a day trip on Saturday. I thought we could get out of Craig's hair and then he would be extra motivated to get a lot done while he had the chance. So Gage and I visited GrandMary and then met Aunt Holly and Will at the College Hill Arts Festival. Anyway, long story short, we had a fun day in Cedar Falls and Craig had a productive day at home.
Then on Sunday we were able to enjoy our day together as a family. We took a walk through Brookside Park. I always think that Craig and I have our best talks on our walks! (Too bad he doesn't like to do it more often...) Gage slept in his stroller and Craig and I talked about our future, vacations, having two kids so close in age...fun stuff! Then we went out to eat at West Towne Pub where we could sit outside in the beautiful weather. What a fun weekend - I am so easy to please!
Spring Lesson Plans For Preschoolers!
5 days ago
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