We found out that our Ergo Baby Carrier works great on this trip! To give a little background...we
used to have a Baby Bjorn before we went to Seattle, but
someone left it on one of the flights (probably me, I'll admit it!) because we didn't have it when we arrived in Seattle. I did a little research and found that the Ergo Carrier is a good choice, possibly better than the Bjorn, so I found one on Ebay.
Craig and I had a little dispute over it since he thought I should wait to buy one when Baby #2 is here since it will mostly be used for him/her, but my thought is why not get it now and use it with Gage while we can?
Well look who's a natural at wearing the carrier:

Aren't they cute?
I would be happy to wear it if it would fit me comfortably...

Gage is such a trooper he is happy in the stroller or in the carrier. We put him in the carrier when it was more convenient not to have the stroller...like after a long, hot day when we took a taxi to our favorite restaurant "Legal Sea Foods"... Yikes! I was on pins and needles the whole time, thankfully it wasn't far!
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