Monday, October 19, 2009

30 Weeks?!

I feel like I say it constantly, "I can't believe how fast time flies..." But this time I really mean it! Last year at this time I knew I was near the end of my pregnancy and I felt like it should was a long time in coming! But this time around, it is unbelievable how fast it has come.

I am definitely ready to not-be-pregnant-anymore. It is getting harder and harder to keep up with my busy little boy! We watch a little more tv than I would like and I take an afternoon nap everyday at the same time he does. But I am trying to soak up all the precious time I have with just him. I admit, I feel guilty that he will be stripped of that sweet one on one time that most first children get.

And then I think of preparing for our sweet Baby E2's arrival... like going through newborn clothes and buying newborn diapers, and I get excited. And I think of how wonderful it is to be loved by my sweet Gage, and how much I love him, and my heart melts. I will soon have TWO to love and be loved by! What a tremendous blessing.

And then I remember how long I feared that I would never have a child born from my own body, and now I am experiencing my second pregnancy. I can't help but marvel at God's goodness to us, and I don't want to take a thing for granted.

So...although I am tired and wonder how our lives will be changed dramatically once again, I am so very thankful, and am anxiously awaiting our second miracle...!

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